Senior Principals
Prescott’s senior principals bring proven expertise as advisors, investors and owners of property assets and have a demonstrated ability to identify attractive investments consistent with a detailed investment strategy; structure these investments on a favorable basis; and manage them effectively. They are well known and respected participants in the real estate industry and the capital markets and have worked together for many years. This reputation serves Prescott well as a buyer in a competitive marketplace and as an advisor and financial intermediary. Prescott is known as a serious and efficient buyer and thus a preferred buyer. It maintains an active pipeline of prospective investments, both on and off market, through a combination of direct outreach to property owners as well as through a continuing active dialog with agents, advisors, investment bankers and others who advise institutional and private owners of real estate assets. Prescott’s senior principals have been instrumental in evaluating, financing, acquiring and managing over US$10 billion of real estate assets. They have proven experience in financial structuring, multiple forms of debt and equity financing and the numerous tax and accounting considerations applicable to both U.S and international property investment.
Prescott is also an effective asset manager. It brings an established platform that can deploy capital into attractive assets at multiple points in the risk spectrum and in varying market environments. Prescott is well positioned to enhance and harvest value from assets as investments mature through active asset management; ongoing dialog with tenants and monitoring their occupancy needs; careful oversight of each property’s physical condition; and comprehensive real estate and capital markets access and acumen. The firm’s senior principals actively manage Prescott’s holdings and have the ability to generate opportunities to enhance value through expansion or reconfiguration as well as through new and follow-on development. Positive relationships with active market participants affords Prescott further investment opportunities in additional property assets as well. Prescott’s senior principals are actively committed to the successful development and execution of the firm’s investment programs.